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Successful entrepreneurs have these traits

Look in the mirror (or your selfie camera if it’s more handy!) Looking at yourself, do you think you have what it takes to a be a successful entrepreneur? It takes a lot more than you might realize. Each of the following traits of successful entrepreneurs will help you to know if you’re ready to start your own business.

Perseverance. Running your own business is more like an ongoing marathon, rather than a sprint. Your business will not be a thriving multi-million dollar company the day after you start. It takes a lot of patience and hard work. You may have to forgo other responsibilities and spend more than 40 hours a week in the beginning, but the hard work you put in the beginning will help reap the rewards of financial freedom and more opportunity for leisure later.

Being determined. When things get difficult, think about the goals you set when you started the business. Why did you start this business? What will it do for your future? Stay determined and focused on the goals you set in the beginning and don’t let negative thoughts get in the way of your progress.

Being a risk-taker. No startup is ever successful without taking risks. There may be decisions you need to make that will be scary and there’s a good chance you’ll fail. The reality is you can and will fail during parts of your journey, but you need to learn from your mistakes and move forward. Keep working hard and don’t give up. Companies like Google, Zappos, and Apple, were all startups once and their founders had the willpower to keep their business ventures going, even when things did not go so well.

Being confident. Any successful entrepreneur is confident in their ability to succeed, even when the going gets tough. They strongly believe in their business and are willing to defend it, even when others don’t believe it will be a success.

Remaining a lifelong learner. Few people possess all the skills they need to know to be a successful entrepreneur on their own. If you want your business to truly succeed, take some classes, read articles, participate in a boot camp, attend business events, and network like crazy. You need to be willing to always learn something new. Just because what you’re doing now is successful does not mean it will be in the future. Learn from the experts who have made their businesses successful and then apply what makes the most sense to your startup.

Passionate. Is your business idea something that gets you out of bed every morning? Or are you dragging yourself through it just so you can make more money? To be truly successful, your business needs to be something you are passionate about. If you do, then your business will feel more like your hobby rather than work. You’ll be determined to continue to make your business a success because it is something you love.

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