Your client is interested in working with you. The overall vibe is good. Now they ask for some information. Your job them help you and eliminate potential surprises...
Set up a meeting ASAP
Schedule a meeting ASAP with your key contact(s) to understand:
Content and format of the information they need
Questions they and others will have
Challenges anticipated as they share your information internally
Set up next / recurring meetings
Particularly if you are not participating in their internal meetings, the best way to stay on top of potential delays/issues is to have a recurring meeting set up with your key contacts. Let the client pick the frequency of the meetings. If they do not want to set up a recurring meeting yet, at least get “the next one” scheduled.
Value for both sides
Meeting on a recurring basis enables your key contacts to address questions in a timely manner and look sharp internally. Taking this approach can help keep the sales cycle as short as possible!
Marc Kitz, Sales Coach
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